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How do I become a member of the Alabama Surety Association?
To become a member of the surety association, please contact a representative of the “Membership Committee”. Contact information is listed under the Officers and Committee link.
How do I get a user name and website?
You must be a member of the Alabama Surety Association. Each member has a user name automatically assigned to them. When their account is first opened a temporary password is also assigned to the user name. Members should have received an email notification with their account details. When the member logs in for the first time, they will be prompted to change this temporary password to something more intuitive.
What if I don't know or have forgotten my username and/or password?
If you forget your username or password, under the login screen click the Forgot My Password button. The system will prompt you to enter your email address and first name. When you click OK, the system will search for this information in the club’s membership database. If one matching record is found, the username and a new temporary password is generated and sent to the email address on file. You will need to retrieve this information before you can log in. The system will then give you the chance to change it. If no match was found, or if multiple matches were found, the system cannot generate a new temporary password. If this happens, or if your email address is no longer valid, contact an Alabama Surety Association officer (found under the Officers and Committee link) or ClubExpress toll-free on (866) 457-2582 to have your password reset manually.
Do I need to log-in to the website to access information?
Our website is designed so that you can see the entire website without logging in. However, members of the association are allowed to log-in in order to sign-up for events and also to up-date their member profile.
Can my company renew its yearly membership on-line?

Yes. When its time to renew, their will be a red Renew link under your member profile. Select a membership type and click Next. The next screen is the payment summary, giving you an opportunity to review the information entered. From this screen, you can proceed to the payment screen to complete the renewal.


Click the Finish and Proceed to Payment button. There are two payment options:

  1.  Pay online by credit card. With this option, you are presented with a credit card payment screen, including the option to store the card in the system. You must explicitly authorize ClubExpress to charge your card. Click the Submit button to process your transaction, after which a summary screen is presented.
  2.  Print an invoice and mail a check. An invoice is displayed in a popup screen together with the Print dialog allowing you to print the invoice. When you are done, click the Done button on the main screen to exit the Renewal wizard.
    • If you choose to pay by check, or if you select credit card but the transaction does not complete, your payment is flagged as Pending and can be “revived” at any time. If you have pending payments, you will see a Payments link when you log in as well as on the Profile screen. Clicking it takes you to the above screen where you can print another invoice or choose to pay by a different credit card.
How do I register for an event on-line?
  1. Once you are logged in, click “Event Calendar
  2. Click on the event you are trying to register for. This will bring up a window with information about the event
  3. In the right hand corner, click “Register Now”- if this botton is not available, then on-line registration is unavailable for that event.  
  4. A new screen will appear with option to sign up just yourself or include a guest- if you are attending by yourself, you don’t need to fill out anything in the second part of the screen asking for guest name. If you’d like to bring a guest or sign-up others from your office, you may fill out the guest box- you can add up to 5 guests.
  5. The next screen is the Event Registration Summary. Here, you will be ask you if you’d like to pay in advance or at the event. Once you click “Complete Registration” you and your guests will be registered for the event.
  • If you choose to pay in advance, the next screen will ask you if you would like to pay with a credit card or print an invoice and send in a check
  • If you’d like to pay with a credit card, enter in all requested data boxes (our website is secure) and check the authorize payment box.

You will receive confirmation via email (regardless of payment method) and if you pay in advance, you can print a receipt from the website.

What are my payment options for events?
You have the option to pay online with a credit card, print an invoice and mail in a check, or pay at the event.
Is saving my credit card information on-line secure?
Yes, only ClubExpress has access to the card number and you must explicitly authorize them to charge you card.
How do I up-date my member profile?

To access your Member Profile, you must first log in using your Username and Password. Click the Login prompt near the top of the screen. Once you have logged in, this prompt is replaced with a welcome message and two additional prompts: Logout and Profile. Click the Profile prompt to enter the Member Profile. The Member Profile system is where you modify your personal information and preferences as a member of the club or association. Here you can update:


• Name

• Address

• Phone numbers, email address and web site

• User ID and Password

• Whether your credit card is stored (securely) by the system

• The information in the member directory

• Your answers to additional questions asked by the club or association

• Your Interests

• Preferences and subscriptions in discussion forums

• Secondary member accounts if you are a Primary member

How do I correct a mistake with my information on the membership directory?
Some information can be corrected under your member profile. If you find a mistake that you can not correct, please contact a Current Officer with the mistake and the correction.
How do I become a member of one the surety association's committees?
If you would like to volunteer to be on a committee, please email a Current Officer.